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Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

January 15, 2022

There’s a pretty adorable kitty holiday coming up. January 22nd is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day! Fluffy is known for being very curious and inquisitive, which is one of the reasons she makes such a fun pet. What do you think your feline buddy would really want to know about? A Tumwater, WA vet offers some possibilities in this article.

Why Can’t I Go Out?

Cats are remarkably self-sufficient: they’re very efficient hunters, and, unlike many other domesticated animals, don’t actually need us. However, Fluffy is still very small and vulnerable. Your adventurous feline may not understand why you want to keep her safe from things like cars, predators, and weather.

Where Do You Go?

Kitties tend to pay very close attention to their humans. Fluffy will want to know where you are at all times, and may get quite confused and upset if she can’t find you.

Why Did You Pet Another Cat?

Our furry friends have very sensitive noses. If you pet another kitty—or worse, a dog—Fluffy may very well pick up the scent. You may get a little cattitude for this betrayal!

Why Am I Here?

Kitties certainly do spend a lot of time meditating. We’re not quite ready to declare whether or not they have existential crises, or seriously ponder the meaning of life. However, it’s probably safe to say that many of them do get confused as to why they have to visit the animal clinic.

Why Don’t You Sleep Enough?

Cats are extremely sleepy. Fluffy can spend as much as 20 hours a day snoozing, though she usually settles for a ‘mere’ 14 to 16 hours. As far as your feline pal is concerned, the 6 to 8 hours most people get is nowhere near enough. 

Why Is My Breakfast Late?

Fluffy takes that old adage about breakfast being the most important meal of the day very seriously. Your furry buddy may wake you up if you sleep past the time she expects her morning meal. Don’t be surprised if your wake-up call is a paw to the face!

What Is That Red Dot?

It’s always cute watching kitties try to catch that mysterious red spot. Fluffy may never figure out her elusive prey, but she’ll definitely have fun trying!

That may cover Fluffy’s most pressing questions, but what about yours? Call us, your Tumwater, WA animal clinic, anytime!

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