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Holiday Pet Travel Tips

December 1, 2022
Happy Holidays! Are you planning to travel this year? While many people opt to board their pets when they leave town, others prefer to take their furry pals along. A local Olympia, WA vet offers some advice on preparing Fido and Fluffy for travel in this article.

Keep Up With Wellness Care

Make sure your furry buddy is current on their vaccinations and parasite control. Ask your vet if there is anything else they recommend, such as the Bordetella vaccine for dogs. Take copies of these records with you!

Have Proper ID

If your four-legged friend hasn’t been microchipped yet, you definitely want to get that done before traveling. Be sure that your information is updated and correct in the manufacturer’s database. ID is important, too. Consider getting a smart tag, or even a GPS tag. That could be a lifesaver if Fido or Fluffy were to slip away in a strange area.


While many dogs tend to love adventure, kitties tend to be homebodies. If your feline pal enjoys travel, by all means indulge her. Otherwise, you may want to leave Fluffy at a kennel or with a petsitter.

Confirm Reservations

Make sure that your dog or cat’s accommodations are secure. You don’t want to find out at the last minute that Fido is over the weight limit your hotel allows! We also recommend double checking fees.

Use Travel Crates

Pets should always travel crated. It’s very dangerous to let Fido and Fluffy roam loose in the car! Of course, you’ll need to make sure that your four-legged buddy sees their crate as a cozy den instead of a jail cell. Add some comfy bedding and toys, and give your pet treats and meals in the crate. If you’re flying, put your contact information and flight numbers on the crate.

Research Locale

If you’re going to an environment or climate that is very different from what your furry bff is used to, do some research into local hazards. For instance, rattlesnakes are something to be aware of if you’re visiting Texas, while leptospirosis is a bigger threat in Louisiana.


Are you driving to your destination? Stop regularly and let Fido stretch his legs. This can be a great time to explore with your canine buddy! Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Olympia, WA animal clinic, today!

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